Curriculum Vitae


I serve in both academic and administrative capacities at my current institution including the role of Co-Director of the Nelson Center for Brand and Demand Analytics in the Moody College of Communication. Over the last decade, I have served in various academic leadership roles including as a department chair, an associate director, and co-founder and director of an executive education program. I am a graduate of the Aspiring Leaders Program (2024) and the Provost’s Mentored Faculty Fellows Program (2023) at UT and currently serve on the steering committee for the New Faculty Launch Program.

As a tenured associate professor, my research focuses on understanding consumer behavior within social media feeds – specifically related to social media fatigue, digital wellbeing, behavioral trace data, and consumer privacy. In the classroom, my teaching spans topic areas including media management, research methods, and social media effects. My industry experience has integrated technology, consumer behavior, and advertising across a variety of industries including media, government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations.

Photo Credit: Jerry Hayes

  • Ph.D., Advertising (2008)
    • University of Texas at Austin
    • Concentrations in New Media, Consumer Behavior, and Information Studies
  • M.A., Advertising (2004)
    • University of Texas at Austin
    • Concentrations in Online Consumer Behavior and Information Studies
  • B.S., Advertising (2000)
    • University of Texas at Austin
    • Concentrations in Interactive Advertising, Media Planning, and Business Foundations

    • Associate Professor of Media Analytics, August 2019 – Present
      • School of Advertising and Public Relations
      • Moody College of Communication
      • University of Texas at Austin
      • Austin, Texas
    • Acting Associate Director, January 2022 – August 2024
      • School of Advertising and Public Relations
      • Moody College of Communication
      • University of Texas at Austin
      • Austin, Texas
    • Interim Associate Director, January 2021 – August 2021
      • School of Advertising and Public Relations
      • Moody College of Communication
      • University of Texas at Austin
      • Austin, Texas
    • Department Chair, August 2018 – July 2019
      • Department of Strategic Communication
      • Moudy College of Communication
      • Texas Christian University
      • Fort Worth, Texas
    • Associate Professor, August 2015 – July 2018
      • Department of Strategic Communication
      • Moudy College of Communication
      • Texas Christian University
      • Fort Worth, Texas
    • Assistant Professor, August 2010 – July 2015
      • Department of Strategic Communication
      • Moudy College of Communication
      • Texas Christian University
      • Fort Worth, Texas
    • Adjunct Professor, January 2010 – May 2010
      • Three appointments for Spring 2010
      • University of Texas at Austin, Department of Marketing – Information Analysis
      • Texas State University, Department of Marketing – Introduction to Marketing
      • St. Edward’s University, Department of Marketing – Integrated Marketing Communication



    • Iyer, Pooja, and Laura F. Bright (2024), “Navigating a Paradigm Shift: Technology and User Acceptance of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Among Advertising and Marketing Practitioners,” Journal of Business Research, Vol. 180 (July 2024),
    • Alavi, Setareh, Pooja Iyer, and Laura F. Bright (2024), “Algorithmic Awareness and Advertising: Implications for Consumers and Brands,” Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing, Accepted March 15, 2024.
    • Sussman, Kristen, JoAnn Sciarrino, Gary B. Wilcox, and Laura F. Bright (2024), “Audience Response to Brand Activism: An Alignment Evaluation Framework,” Journal of Brand Strategy, Accepted December 15, 2023.
    • Hendricks, Abby, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Influencer Trends Shift: The Psychological Predictors of Influencer Engagement on Instagram,” Journal of Social Media in Society, Vol 12(1), pgs. 155 – 180.
    • Jang, Haneul, Eunjoo Jin, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2023), “#Sponsored by a Robot?: How the Human-Likeness of Virtual Influencers Influences Purchase Intentions Toward Sponsored Products,” Journal of AI, Robotics & Workplace Automation, Vol. 2(4), available online
    • Sussman, Kristen L., Lindsay Bouchacourt, Laura F. Bright, Gary B. Wilcox, Michael Mackert, Aliza Norwood, and Brandon Altillo (2023), “COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitation on Social Platforms: A Textual Analysis of Social Media Mentions in 2020,” Digital Health, DOI: 10.2196/preprints.29569.
    • Sussman, K.L., Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2023), “Digital consumer engagement: examining the impact of native advertising exposure in a social network”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Vol. 17(4), 544-561.
    • Lim, Hyun Joo, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2022), “Is Repetition Really the Key to Success? The Impact of Ad Repetition and The Power of “Likes” on Facebook,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2022.2106327.
    • Anderson, Joshua, Lindsay Bouchacourt, Kristen L. Sussman, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2022), “Emerging Themes in Telemedicine Amidst a Pandemic: Social Media Textual Analysis,” Digital Health, DOI: 20552076221090041.
    • Bright, Laura F., Kelty Logan, and Hayoung Sally Lim (2022), “Social Media Fatigue and Privacy: An Exploration of Antecedents to Consumers’ Concerns Regarding the Security of their Personal Information on Social Media Platforms,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, DOI: 15252019.2022.2051097.
    • Sussman, Kristen, Laura F. Bright, and Gary Wilcox (2021), “Moving beyond the “like” button: A media mix modeling analysis of ad recall in the Facebook Advertising Ecosystem,” Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol. 15(4), available online here.
    • Lee, Jung Ah “Jay”, Kristen Sussman, Sabitha Sudarshan, Laura F. Bright, and Matthew S. Eastin (2021), “Why are consumers following social media influencers on Instagram? Exploration of consumers’ motives for following influencers and the role of materialism,” International Journal of Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/02650487.2021.1964226.
    • Bright, Laura F., Kristen Sussman, Gary Wilcox, Abby Hendricks, and Leah Archer (2021), “The Facebook Boycott: What It Means for Advertisers,” Journal of Brand Strategy, Volume 10(3), 1 – 15.
    • Lee, Jung Ah “Jay”, Laura F. Bright, and Matthew Eastin (2021), “Fear of Missing Out and Consumer Happiness on Instagram: A serial mediation of social media influencer-related activities,” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 24(11), 762 – 766.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Hope Jensen Schau (2021), “COVID-19 and Advertising: Examining the Impacts of the Pandemic on Agencies, Consumers, and Brands,” Journal of Advertising Pop-Up Section on “COVID-19 and Advertising”, 50(3), 217 – 220.
    • Bright, Laura F., Hayoung Sally Lim, and Kelty Logan (2021), ““Should I Post or Ghost?”: Examining How Privacy Concerns Impact Social Media Engagement in US Consumers,” Psychology & Marketing, Published online –
    • Logan, Kelty, Laura F. Bright, and Harsha Gangadharbatla (2021), “It’s Complicated: Exploring the Social Media Privacy Paradox,” Journal of Data Protection and Privacy, 4(3), Published online –
    • Bright, Laura F., Kristen Sussman, and Gary B. Wilcox (2021), “Facebook, Trust, and Privacy in an Election Year: Balancing Politics and Advertising,” Journal of Digital and Social Media Management, 8(4), Published online –
    • Bright, Laura F., Kristen Sussman, and Gary B. Wilcox (2021), “Reaching the Tipping Point: A Critical Analysis of User-Generated Content Related to the #deletefacebook Movement from 2018 – 2019,” Journal of Data Protection and Privacy, 4(3), 1 – 12.
    • Kwon, Eunseon “Penny”, Ashley English, and Laura F. Bright (2020), “Social Media Never Sleeps: Antecedents and Consequences of Social Media Fatigue among Content Creators,” Journal of Social Media in Society, 9(2), 150 – 172.
    • Bright, Laura F., Gary Wilcox, and Hayley Rodriguez (2019), “#DeleteFacebook and the Consumer Backlash of 2018: How social media fatigue, consumer (mis)trust, and privacy concerns shape the new social media reality for consumers,” Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing, 7(2), Published online –
    • Grau, Stacy Landreth, Susan Bardi Kleiser, and Laura F. Bright (2019), “Exploring Social Media Addiction Among Student Millennials,” Qualitative Market Research, 20(2), 200 – 216.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2019), “Advertising in a Quantified World: A Proposed Model of Consumer Trust, Attitude toward Personalized Advertising and Outcome Expectancies,” Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, 40(1), 54 – 72. (Runner-up for “Best Article” of 2019 | Voted one of the “Most Influential Articles of 2019” by American Academy of Advertising journals)
    • Bright, Laura F., and Kelty Logan (2019), ““Is my Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) Causing Fatigue?”: Advertising, Social Media Fatigue, and the Implications for Consumers and Brands,” Internet Research, 28(5), 1213 – 1227.
    • Logan, Kelty, Laura F. Bright, and Stacy Landreth Grau (2018), ““Unfriend Me, Please!”: An Examination of Social Media Fatigue Using the Theory of Rational Choice,” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 26(4), 357 – 367.
    • Jung, Jyong Hyuok, Blake McAdow, Jacqueline Lambiase, and Laura F. Bright (2017), “Penalties Off the Field: Exploring Social Media Policies for Students at Universities,” Journal of Social Media in Society, 6(2), 386 – 405.
    • Bright, Laura F., Susan Bardi Kleiser, and Stacy Landreth Grau (2015), “Too Much Facebook?: An Exploratory Examination of Social Media Fatigue,” Computers in Human Behavior, 44(2015), 148 – 155.
    • Logan, Kelty, and Laura F. Bright (2014), “Deal Me In!: Assessing Consumer Response to Daily-Deal Websites,” International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 8(3), 161-180.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2014), “Taming the Information Beast: Content Customization and Its Impact on Media Enjoyment,” Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 4(3), 143 – 169.
    • Gangadharbatla, Harsha, Laura F. Bright, and Kelty Logan (2014), “Social Media and News Gathering: Tapping Into The Millennial Mindset,” Journal of Social Media in Society, 3(1), 45 – 63.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Terry Daugherty (2012), “Does customization impact advertising effectiveness? An exploratory study of consumer perceptions of advertising in customized online environments,” Journal of Marketing Communication, 18(1), 19 – 37.
    • Cunningham, Nicole, and Laura F. Bright (2012), “The Tweet is in Your Court: Measuring the Effectiveness of Athlete Endorsements in Social Media,” International Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, Fall issue, 73 – 87.
    • Logan, Kelty, Laura F. Bright, and Harsha Gangadharbatla (2012), “Facebook Versus Television: Advertising Value Perceptions Among Females,” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 6(3), 164 – 179.
    • Daugherty, Terry, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2008), “Exploring Consumers Motivations for Creating User-Generated Content,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, 8(2). (One of the “Most Cited” for articles in this journal)
    • Turnbull, Donald and Laura F. Bright (2008), “Advertising Academia with Sponsored Search: An Exploratory Study Examining the Effectiveness of Google AdWords at the Global and Local Level,” International Journal of Electronic Business, 6(2), 149 – 171.


    • Sussman, Kristen, Jiemin Looi, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2024 – In press), “How does fear drive the news of the day? Examining bi-directional temporal relationships between fear and the topic salience of political issues on Twitter,” In The Darker Side of Social Media, eds. Angeline Close-Scheinbaum, Ph.D.; Routledge – Spring 2024 publication date.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Karen-Anne Wallach (2021), “How to Turn Consumer Privacy into a Strategic Benefit for Your Brand,” In An Audience of One: Drive Superior Results by Making the Radical Shift from Mass Marketing to One-to-One Marketing, eds. Jamie Turner and Chuck Moxley, Sr.; Under contract at McGraw Hill – October 8, 2021 publication date.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Boosters, idealized citizens, and cranks: Community managers for cities share nostalgia and information in social media, but real engagement is messy and time-consuming. In Public Relations and Participatory Culture: Fandom, Social Media, and Community Engagement, eds. Amber L. Hutchins and Natalie Tindall, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY, pp. 152-163.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2013). Methodologies for Assessing Effects of Media. In Encyclopedia of Media Violence, Matthew S. Eastin (ed.), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2013). Effects of Violent Internet Content. In Encyclopedia of Media Violence, Matthew S. Eastin (ed.), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2010). Media Evolution and Web 2.0 Technologies. In Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption, Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty and Neal M. Burns (eds.), IGI-Global: Hershey, PA.
    • Daugherty, Terry, Matthew S. Eastin, Laura Bright, and Shu-Chuan Chu. (2010). Expectancy-Value: Identifying Relationships Associated with Consuming User-Generated Content. In Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Advertising: User Generated Content Consumption, Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty and Neal M. Burns (eds.), IGI-Global: Hershey, PA.
    • Daugherty, Terry, Harsha Gangadharbatla and Laura F. Bright. (2010). Presence and Persuasion. In Immersed in Media: Telepresence in Everyday Life. Cheryl Campanella Bracken and Paul Skalski (eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum.


    • Bright, Laura F., Amy Rask, and Duane Varan (2009). Digital Video: An Overview of Literature on Digital Video Advertising. A New Media Futures Report, Conducted by Media Research Labs, LLC.
    • Bellman, Steven, Amy Rask, Shiree Treleaven-Hassard, Laura F. Bright, and Duane Varan (2009). Digital Video Advertising on the New A New Media Futures Report, Conducted by Media Research Labs, LLC.
    • Rask, Amy, Laura F. Bright, Shiree Treleaven-Hassard, Steven Bellman, and Duane Varan (2009). Integrated ‘Live’ Advertising: An evaluation of live advertising found in “Jimmy Kimmel Live”. A New Media Futures Report, Conducted by Media Research Labs, LLC.
    • Rask, Amy, Steven Bellman, Shiree Treleaven-Hassard, Laura F. Bright, and Duane Varan (2009). Integrated Advertising in “Good Morning America”. A New Media Futures Report, Conducted by Media Research Labs, LLC.


    • Bright, Laura F., and Gary B. Wilcox (2020), “Reaching the Tipping Point?: A Critical Analysis of User-Generated Content Related to the #deletefacebook Movement from March 2018 – March 2019,” American Marketing Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, August 18 – 21. (Abstract only)
    • Bright, Laura F., Kelty Logan, Ashley English, Euseon Kwon, Jessica Kingman, Jennifer Hallabough, and Kevin Lyons (2019). Social Media Fatigue and the Advertising Industry: How are Consumers, Clients, and Content Creators Dealing with the Pressure to be Constantly Connected?, American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 28 – 31.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Privacy and the Quantified Self: An Examination of Trust, Attitude toward Personalized Advertising and Health Expectancies. American Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference Proceedings (extended abstract), Atlanta, Georgia, August 4 – 6.
    • Jung, Jong-Hyuok, Jane Kucko, Jacqueline Lambiase, Catherine Coleman, James Ebel, Huizhen Du, Wonsun Shin, Laura F. Bright, Karen Lancendorfer, Spencer, Anthony, and Oscar Gomez (2016). Strategies for Developing Study Abroad Programs in the Global Era. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference Proceedings (extended abstract), Seattle, Washington, March 17 – 20.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Consumer Privacy Concerns in the Age of Unlimited Data: Is the Privacy Paradox Really True?. American Marketing Association Annual Mid-Winter Conference Proceedings (extended abstract), Las Vegas, NV, February 26 – 27, 2016.
    • Bright, Laura F., Stacy Landreth-Grau, and Susan Bardi Kleiser (2015). Thumbs Down to Facebook? Exploring Social Media Addiction Among Millennials Using the Consumption Continuum Framework. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 26 – 29 (extended abstract).
    • Gangadharbatla, Harsha, Glenn Griffin, Laura F. Bright, Trina Arnett, Harish Valsan, and Eric Schwieger (2015). The Role of Technology in Advertising Education and Practice. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 26 – 29.
    • Landreth-Grau, Stacy, Laura F. Bright, Kelty Logan, Chris Wilson, and Kevin Keith (2014). So Long Don Draper?: Account Planning, Big Data and the Implications Inside and Outside the Advertising Classroom. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 27 – 30.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Glenn Griffin (2013). Finding Synergy: How Creative and Media Can (and Should) Work Together. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference Proceedings, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4 – 7 (extended abstract).
    • Cunningham, Nicole, and Laura F. Bright (2012). The Power of a Tweet: An Exploration of Female Perceptions of Celebrity Endorsements on Twitter. American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL, August 17 – 19.
    • Landreth-Grau, Stacy, Laura F. Bright, and Susan Bardi Kleiser (2012). Too Much Facebook: An Exploratory Examination of Social Media Fatigue. American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL, August 17 – 19 (extended abstract).
    • Bright, Laura F. and Terry Daugherty. (2011). Advertising in the Web 2.0 World: Online Customization and Its Impact on the Perception of Advertising Amongst Digital Natives. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference Proceedings (extended abstract).
    • Bright, Laura F., Terry Daugherty and Matthew S. Eastin. (2008). Attitudes Toward User-Generated Content, American Marketing Association Educator’s Conference Proceedings (extended abstract).
    • Bright, Laura F., Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty, and Harsha Gangadharbatla (2008). The Psychology of Consumer Control Contextualized Within DVR Technologies, International Communication Association Conference Proceedings.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Gary Wilcox. (2008). Am I on Your Playlist?: Explorations into the Impact of Podcasting on Academic Performance, Texas Computer Educator’s Association Technology Research Symposium Conference Proceedings.


    • Lee, Jihye, Laura F. Bright, Hyunji Kim, and Mikayla Francisco (2024), “Data for good in advertising? A computational analysis of social media advertisements for U.S. public benefits programs,” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, June 20 – 24.
    • Iyer, Pooja, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Transformation of the Advertising Industry: Big Data and AI make a case for revised Advertising Curriculum,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Washington D.C., August 7 – 10.
    • Alavi, Setareh, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Navigating the Negative Impact of Algorithmic Mediascapes on Advertising: Exploring the Impact of Social Media Fatigue, Privacy Concerns, and Algorithmic Media Content Awareness on Advertising Avoidance,” International Conference on Research in Advertising, Bordeaux, France, June 29 – July 1.
    • Gosh, Charulata, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Examining the relationship between consumers’ self-disclosure and digital advertising on Facebook post Cambridge Analytica,” International Conference on Research in Advertising, Bordeaux, France, June 29 – July 1.
    • Safoui, Asma, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Failure to Notice or Noticing the Failure”: Defining the Social Contract Literacy, a Novel Approach to Understanding Users’ Literacy of Digital Contracts,” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 25 – 28.
    • Li, Stan, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2023), “Rome Wasn’t Watched in a Day”: Influence of Sequential TV Binge-Watching and Playback Speed on the Effectiveness of Advertising and Product Placements,” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 25 – 28.
    • Mackert, Michael, Erin Donovan, Daniela De Luca, Haley Nolan, Audrey Shaffer, Weijia Shi, Karly Quaack, Jiahua Yang, Tracy Arrington, Jakki Bailey, Kaitlin Berns, Laura F. Bright, Catherine Cunningham, Lisa Dobias, Qinyan Gao, Lori Holleran, Mazmu Islam, Susan Kirtz, Ashley McDonald, Stephanie Menhart, Amaya Ngo, Sean Upshaw, Carmen Valdez, Jessica Wagner, Joy Woods (2023), “Developing a Health Campaign for Substance Use Prevention and Mental Health Awareness: Lessons Learned from a Large Mixed-Methods Project in the State of Texas,” International Communication Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 25 – 28.
    • Sussman, Kristen Leah, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2023), “Can advertisers drive sales and spread joy? Examining the benefits of joy-frames on digital consumer engagement,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 23 – 26.
    • Acaf, Yara, Lucy Atkinson, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Celebrity Advocacy of Environmental Causes: The Impact of Credibility and Existing Beliefs on People’s Attitudes and Behaviors,” National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17 – 20.
    • Hendricks, Abby, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Influencer Trends Shift: The predictors of influencer engagement on Instagram,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, August 4 – 7.
    • Wilson, Rick T., Laura F. Bright, and Adam S. Richards (2022), “Privacy and Biometric Data: An Exploration of Advertising Appeals and Consumer Willingness to Share Personal Information Online,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.
    • Hayes, Jameson, Cynthia Morton, Chen Lou, Kasey Windels, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “How to be an Effective Reviewer: A Word from the Best Reviewer Award Winners,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.
    • Ryan, Tanya, Laura F. Bright, Patricia Huddleston, Ofrit Kol, and Dorit Zimand Sheiner (2022), “The Future of Graduate Education in Advertising: A Discussion with Educators and Industry Experts,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.
    • Loo, Jiemin, You Whi “Greg” Song, and Laura F. Bright (2021). The silence of negative user reviews: Examining the spiral of silence theory’s predictive validity for the positive bias of online user reviews. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Virtual format, May 27 – 31.
    • Lim, Hyun Joo, and Laura F. Bright (2021). Is Repetition Really the Key to Success? The Impact of Ad Repetition and The Power of “Likes” on Facebook. International Communication Association Annual Conference, Virtual format, May 27 – 31.
    • Sussman, Kristen, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (2021).A Computational Approach to Facebook Advertising: Using Social Media Behavioral Data to Understand Placement Effects. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, March 18 – 21, 2021.
    • Lee, Jung Ah “Jay”, Sabitha Sudarshan, Kristen Sussman, Laura F. Bright, and Matthew S. Eastin (2021). Exploration of Consumers’ Motives for Following Social Media Influencers on Instagram and the Role of Materialism. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, March 18 – 21, 2021.
    • Song, Yong Whi (Greg), Matthew S. Eastin, Laura F. Bright, and Fangxin Xu (2020), “Will They Use Me or Lose Me?: Proposing a New Technology Acceptance Model for Artificial Intelligence (AI) among US Consumers,” National Communication Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 19 – 22.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Gary B. Wilcox (2020), “Reaching the Tipping Point?: A Critical Analysis of User-Generated Content Related to the #deletefacebook Movement from March 2018 – March 2019,” American Marketing Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, California, August 18 – 21. (Conference changed to virtual presentation due to COVID-19)
    • Sussman, Kristen, Laura F. Bright, and Gary Wilcox (2020), “Engagement Effects and Recall: A Multi-Year Analysis of Brand Communication in Social Media,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 6 – 9, 2020. (Conference changed to virtual presentation due to COVID-19)
    • Lee, Jung Ah (Jay), Laura F. Bright, and Matthew S. Eastin (2020), “FOMO and Happiness on Instagram: A serial mediation of social media influencer related activity and the role of authenticity,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 6 – 9, 2020. (Conference changed to virtual presentation due to COVID-19)
    • Kwon, Eunseon “Penny”, Ashley English, and Laura F. Bright (2020), “Social Media Never Sleeps: Antecedents and Consequences of Social Media Fatigue among Content Creators,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, March 26 – 29, 2020. (Conference changed to virtual presentation due to COVID-19)
    • Ryan, Tanya, Laura F. Bright, Lili Hall, Dan Jasper, Sema Kip, Stephen W. Marshall, and Patrick Welsh (2020). The Future of Graduate Education in Advertising: A Discussion with Educators and Industry Experts. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, March 26 – 29, 2020. (Accepted but canceled due to COVID-19 – rescheduled for 2021)
    • Bright, Laura F., Kelty Logan, Ashley English, Euseon Kwon, Jessica Kingman, Jennifer Hallabough, and Kevin Lyons (2019). Social Media Fatigue and the Advertising Industry: How are Consumers, Clients, and Content Creators Dealing with the Pressure to be Constantly Connected?, American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 28 – 31.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2016). How Many Steps Have You Taken Today? Examining the Role of Outcome Expectancies on Quantified Self Technology Use and Health Outcomes. National Communication Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 10 – 13.
    • Logan, Kelty, Laura F. Bright, and Stacy Grau (2016). Unfriend Me, Please: An Examination of Social Media Fatigue and Its Antecedents. Marketing EDGE Direct/Interactive Marketing Research Summit, Los Angeles, California, October 15 – 16.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Privacy and the Quantified Self: An Examination of Trust, Attitude toward Personalized Advertising and Health Expectancies. American Marketing Association Summer Educator’s Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4 – 6.
    • Bright, Laura F., Karen Lancendorfer, Anthony Spencer, and Oscar Gomez (2016). Strategies for Developing Study Abroad Programs in Central America and the Caribbean (As part of the session: “Developing Study Abroad Programs in the Global Era”). American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, March 17 – 20.
    • Brinson, Nancy, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Consumer Privacy Concerns in the Age of Unlimited Data: Is the Privacy Paradox Really True?. American Marketing Association Annual Mid-Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, February 26 – 27.
    • Gangadharbatla, Harsha, Laura F. Bright, and Kelty Logan (2015). The Role of Social and Mobile Media in News Consumption. What is Journalism? Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 9 – 11.
    • Bright, Laura F., Stacy Landreth-Grau, and Susan Bardi Kleiser (2015). Thumbs Down to Facebook? Exploring Social Media Addiction Among Millennials Using the Consumption Continuum Framework. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 26 – 29.
    • Gangadharbatla, Harsha, Glenn Griffin, Laura F. Bright, Trina Arnett, Harish Valsan, and Eric Schwieger (2015). The Role of Technology in Advertising Education and Practice. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 26 – 29.
    • Landreth-Grau, Stacy, Laura F. Bright, Kelty Logan, Chris Wilson, and Arnel Santiago (2014). So Long Don Draper?: Account Planning, Big Data and the Implications Inside and Outside the Advertising Classroom. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 27 – 30, 2014.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Glenn Griffin (2013). Finding Synergy: How Creative and Media Can (and Should) Work Together. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4 – 7.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2013). Taming the Information Beast: Content Customization and Its Impact on Media Enjoyment for Online Consumers. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4 – 7.
    • Bright, Laura F., Susan Bardi Kleiser, and Stacy Landreth-Grau (2013). Inspiration and Brand Engagement in Social Media: An Examination of Consumer Uses for Social Media and the Relationship with Brand Engagement. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Mid-Winter Conference, Norman, Oklahoma, March 2.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Nicole R. Cunningham (2012). The Tweet is in Your Court: Measuring the Effectiveness of Athlete Endorsements in Social Media. Direct Marketing Education Foundation Research Summit, Las Vegas, NV, October 13 – 14.
    • Logan, Kelty and Laura F. Bright (2012). Deal Me In!: Assessing Consumer Response to Daily Deal Sites. Direct Marketing Education Foundation Research Summit, Las Vegas, NV, October 13 – 14.
    • Cunningham, Nicole, and Laura F. Bright (2012). The Power of a Tweet: An Exploration of Female Perceptions of Celebrity Endorsements on Twitter. American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL, August 17 – 19.
    • Landreth-Grau, Stacy, Laura F. Bright, and Susan Bardi Kleiser (2012). Too Much Facebook: An Exploratory Examination of Social Media Fatigue. American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Chicago, IL, August 17 – 19.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Harsha Gangadharbatla (2012). Hey, Whipple, Tweet This: A Guide to Bridging the Gap Between Social Media Education and Practice in 2012 and Beyond. Advertising Education Federation Annual Pedagogy Conference, Austin, Texas, June 2 – 5. (Top poster session)
    • Gangadharbatla, Harsha, Kelty Logan, and Laura F. Bright (2012). Just How Valuable is Television Advertising Compared to Advertising in Social Media in the Minds of Consumers?. “What is TV?” Conference, Portland, OR, March 2 – 5.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Terry Daugherty (2011). Advertising in the Web 2.0 World: Online Customization and Its Impact on the Perception of Advertising Amongst Digital Natives. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, Mesa, Arizona, April 7 – 9.
    • Turnbull, Donald and Laura F. Bright (2008). Advertising and Awareness with Sponsored Search: An Exploratory Study Examining the Effectiveness of Google AdWords. American Society for Information Science and Technology, Columbus, Ohio, October 24 – 29.
    • Bright, Laura F., Matthew S. Eastin, Terry Daugherty, and Harsha Gangadharbatla (2008). The Psychology of Consumer Control Contextualized Within DVR Technologies, International Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec, CA, May 22 – 26.
    • Bright, Laura F., Terry Daugherty and Matthew S. Eastin (2008). Attitudes Toward User-Generated Content, American Marketing Association Educator’s Conference, Austin, TX, February 15 – 18.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Gary Wilcox (2008). Am I on Your Playlist?: Explorations into the Impact of Podcasting on Academic Performance, Texas Computer Educator’s Association Technology Research Symposium, Austin, TX, February 4 – 8.
    • Bright, Laura F. and S. Marina Choi (2007). An Exploratory Study Examining Intra-site Advertising and Its Effect on the Online Consumer Experience. Information Architecture Summit, Las Vegas, NV, March 23 – 25.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Gracieli Scremin (2006). Blue Ads, Red Ads: Are Connections Being Made in the Political Blogosphere?. Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 1 – 4.
    • Scremin, Gracieli and Laura F. Bright (2005). Deconstructing Brazil’s Racial Democracy: An Analysis of African Brazilian Portrayals in Magazine and Television Advertising. American Academy of Advertising Conference, Reno, NV, April 1 – 3.


    • Bright, Laura F. (2023), “Becoming and Being a Successful Doctoral Student: The Dissertation,” American Academy of Advertising Graduate Symposium, Virtual, September 15.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2022), “Becoming and Being a Successful Doctoral Student: The Dissertation,” American Academy of Advertising Graduate Symposium, Virtual, September 16.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2021), “Cutting Through the Clutter: The Power of Strong Branding”, Texas Water Development Board Annual Conference, Austin, TX, September 28.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2019). Executive Presence and Communication (3-hour Pre-Conference Session). Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Bastrop, TX, February 18 – 20.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Jacque Lambiase (2019). Hacks for Internal Stakeholder Engagement. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Bastrop, TX, February 18 – 20.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Jacqueline Lambiase (2018). Policies and Advanced Strategies to Help You Beat Social Media Fatigue. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Frisco, TX, February 19 – 21.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2018). Best Practices for Community Engagement on Your District’s Website. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Frisco, TX, February 19 – 21.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2017). Tackling the Beast: Creating and Using a Comprehensive Communication Plan. CBCCon: Colorado Broadband & Communications Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 25 – 26.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Jacqueline Lambiase (2017). Best Practices for Community Engagement on Your District’s Website. Texas Association of School Boards Annual Conference. Dallas, Texas, October 5 – 8.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2017). Editorial Calendars, Digital Strategy, and Communication Planning. Texas Christian University Extended Education Workshop Series for Non-Profit Communicators, September 30.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Jacqueline Lambiase (2017). Policies and Advanced Strategies to Help You Beat Social Media Fatigue. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. Anaheim, California, September 5 – 7.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2017). The Wicked Problem of Your Communication Hub: Better Citizen Engagement and Customer Service for Websites. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, September 7 – 9.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Ashley English (2017). Advanced Social Media Planning and Policies (Pre-Conference Session). Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Galveston, Texas, February 21 – 23.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2017). Ins and Outs of Research for Your District. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Galveston, Texas, February 21 – 23.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2016). Communication Planning in a Digital Age. Texas Association of School Boards Annual Conference. Houston, Texas, September 22 – 25.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2016). Creating a Traditional and Digital Media Plan for Your Organization. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, September 7 – 9.
    • Lambiase, Jacque, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Ins and Outs of Research: Surveys, Focus Groups, and More for Your Organization. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, September 7 – 9.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Jacqueline Lambiase (2016). Communication Leadership and Planning Pre-Conference. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Horseshoe Bay, TX, February 22 – 25.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2016). Content Marketing (and a little metrics, too). Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. Horseshoe Bay, TX, February 22 – 25.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Jacqueline Lambiase (2015). Communication Leadership and Planning. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, September 8 – 10.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2015). Content Marketing (and a little metrics, too). 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, September 8 – 10.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Jacqueline Lambiase (2015). ROI for Communication: Effective Measurements in Your District’s PR Campaign. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, February 23 – 27, 2015.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2015). Back to Basics: Building a Solid Crisis Communication Plan for Your District. Texas School Public Relations Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas, February 23 – 27, 2015.
    • Bright, Laura F. and Jacqueline Lambiase (2014). Effective Government Communications: Not An Oxymoron. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN, September 2 – 5.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2014). Getting Creative with Marketing Plans. 3CMA: City-County Communications and Marketing Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN, September 2 – 5.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2014). Social Media Campaign Planning for Your City (Pre-Conference). Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers Annual Conference, Richardson, Texas, June 18 – 20.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2014). Meaningful Measurement. Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers Annual Conference, Richardson, Texas, June 18 – 20.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Steven Levering (2014). Effective Social and Mobile Media Strategies for Non-Profits. DFW Non-Profit Communicators Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, May 16th.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2013). The Certified Public Communicator™ Program Launch Announcement (Keynote Presentation), Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers Annual Conference, College Station, Texas, June 6 – 8.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2012). Beyond the Basics: How Social Media Can Change Your City for the Better. 100th Texas Municipal League Annual Conference, Grapevine, Texas, November 14.
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2012). The Certified Public Communicator™ Program Proposal and Survey Results. Annual Conference for the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers, Keynote Presentation, Round Rock, TX, June 19 – 21.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Julie O’Neil (2012). Five New Channels & Five New Measures for Non-Profits. DFW Non-Profit Communicators Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, May 18.
    • Bright, Laura F. (2012). Advertising Curriculum in 2012 and Beyond: The Future of Media Planning. American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference (Pre-Conference Symposium), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, March 15 – 18.


    • Developed complete set of instructional materials and test bank for: Kelly, Larry D., Donald Jugenheimer, and Kim Sheehan (2015). Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach (4th edition). M.E. Sharpe, USA. (Release date: March 2015)


    • Moore, Megan (2024), “Matthew McConaughey’s commercial experience landed him a unique teaching gig,” The List,, published January 17, 2024.
    • Saric, Ivana (2023), “Why TikTok retains is popularity, despite users having security concerns,” Axios,, published July 13, 2023.
    • Kaur, Anumita, and Maham Javaid (2023), “Download. Scroll. Post. Repeat. New social media apps are exhausting us.”, Washington Post,, published July 7, 2023.
    • Menchaca, Megan (2022), “Matthew McConaughey to teach new University of Texas class on commercials in 2023,” Austin American Statesman,, published December 1, 2022.
    • O’Kane, Caitlin (2022), “Matthew McConaughey is teaching a new course at the University of Texas at Austin – this one about commercials,” CBS News,, published November 30, 2022.
    • Reese, Ginny (2022), “Matthew McConaughey is teaching a new course at the University of Texas at Austin,” WGAR 99.5 Radio,, published November 30, 2022.
    • Bergmann, Christine (2022), “Behind the Scenes: Matthew McConaughey takes on commercials in new UT class,” KXAN News,, published November 29, 2022.
    • Pitofsky, Marina (2022), “Every day, Gen Z stop everything to post on this app. Is BeReal a fad or here to stay?”, USA Today,, published November 15, 2022.
    • Lashbrook, Angela (2020). Now is the time to bring back away messages. One Zero, available at:, published September 9, 2020.
    • Agarwal, Shubham (2020). How to fight information overload, but still stay informed. Digital Trends, available at:, published August 9, 2020.
    • Lashbrook, Angela (2019). What do social media breaks accomplishment? It depends on who you are. One Zero, available at:, published March 20, 2019.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Kristen Sussman (2019). Don’t trust Facebook with your privacy. Houston Chronicle Op Ed, published November 15th, 2019, available online at:
    • Lambiase, Jacqueline, and Laura F. Bright (2019). The Water Nerd’s Guide to Creating a Culture of Communication. Water in Real Life Podcast, Episode 60, available online at:


    • Sussman, Kristen L., Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox (Under review – Revising), “Can advertisers drive sales and spread joy? Examining the benefits of joy-frames on digital consumer engagement, Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, Revisions due on April 26, 2024.
    • Safoui, Asma, Laura F. Bright, and Matthew S. Eastin (Under review – Revising), “Social Contract Literacy and Consumers: Scale Development through the Advertising Lens,” Journal of Information Policy, Revisions due on February 28, 2024.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Pooja Iyer (2024 – In process), “Transformation of the Advertising Industry” Big Data and AI Make the Case for a Revised Advertising Curriculum”, Target: Journal of Advertising Education, Submitting Summer 2024.
    • Safoui, Asma, Laura F. Bright, and Matthew S. Eastin (2024 – In process), “Social Contract Literacy Across Cultures: Examining Consumer Perceptions of Privacy in the US and Abroad”, Target: Journal of Advertising, Submitting Summer 2024.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Rick T. Wilson (2024 – In process), “The DNA of Consumer Collaboration: How Advertising Appeals Influence Consumer Willingness to Share Personal Information Online,” Target: Journal of Advertising, Submitting Summer 2024.
    • Li, Stan, Matthew S. Eastin, and Laura F. Bright (2024 – In process), ” When Streaming One More Episode Backfires: The impact of binge-watching and playback speed on advertising and product placement brand memory,” Target: Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, Submitting Summer 2024.
    • Mackert, Michael, Erin Donovan, Daniela De Luca, Haley Nolan, Audrey Shaffer, Weijia Shi, Karly Quaack, Jiahua Yang, Tracy Arrington, Jakki Bailey, Kaitlin Berns, Laura F. Bright, Catherine Cunningham, Lisa Dobias, Qinyan Gao, Lori Holleran, Mazmu Islam, Susan Kirtz, Ashley McDonald, Stephanie Menhart, Amaya Ngo, Sean Upshaw, Carmen Valdez, Jessica Wagner, Joy Woods (2024 – In process), “Developing a Health Campaign for Substance Use Prevention and Mental Health Awareness: Lessons Learned from a Large Mixed-Methods Project in the State of Texas,” Target: Health Promotion Practice, Submitting Summer 2024.
    • Wilson, Rick T., Therese Roux, and Laura F. Bright (2024 – In process), “Fake OOH Advertising: Implications for Consumer Engagement and Purchase Intention on Social Media,” Target: Journal of Advertising, Submitting Fall 2024.
    • Bright, Laura F., and Nancy J. Sirianni (2024 – In process), “Digital Wellbeing: Revealing Global Consumer Perspectives on Screen Time, Privacy, and Digital Fatigue,” Target: Journal of International Business, Submitting Fall 2024.


    • Research Fellow, Media Research Labs, LLC, November 2008 – July 2009
      • Private research facility specializing in advertising research
      • Used eye-gaze, biometric, and survey data to study consumer response to advertising in various media, including television, mobile devices, print and online content
      • Consumer panel management for an active database of 2000+ members
    • Consumer Panel Manager, Texas Media Research Lab, Fall 2006 – Summer 2008
      • Faculty Supervisor: Terry Daugherty, Ph.D.
      • Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin
    • Teaching Assistant, Spring 2005 – Fall 2006
      • Course: Advertising Research
      • Faculty Supervisor: Terry Daugherty, Ph.D.
      • Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin
    • Interactive Lab Manager, Fall 2002 – Spring 2004
      • Faculty Supervisor: Gene Kincaid, Senior Lecturer
      • Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin


    • Digital Media, Social Media, Analytics, Interactive Advertising, Channel Planning and Strategy, Consumer Behavior, and Research Methods


    • University of Texas at Austin | Fall 2019 – Present | 25 courses taught
      • Art and Science of Social Media (Option III Masters Class) – Fall 2024 (graduate, 12 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: TBD / 5 | Course Rating: TBD / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Summer 2024 (undergraduate, 49 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: TBD / 5 | Course Rating: TBD / 5)
      • Personal Identity Branding (Option III Masters Class) – Spring 2024 (graduate, 11 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.25 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.13 / 5)
      • Graduate Campaigns – Spring 2024 (graduate, 35 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.82 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.0 / 5)
      • Script to Screen: Commercials – Spring 2024 (undergraduate, 41 students, 1 section, co-taught with Matthew McConaughey and Scott Rice) (Instructor Rating: 4.82 / 5| Course Rating: 4.45 / 5)
      • Advertising Research I (PhD Methods) – Fall 2023 (graduate, 6 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.5 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • Media Management – Fall 2023 (graduate, 32 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating : 4.48 / 5 | Course Rating : 4.17 / 5)
      • Art and Science of Social Media (Option III Masters Class) – Fall 2023 (graduate, 21 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.62 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.38 / 5)
      • Advertising and Public Relations Research – Summer 2023 (undergraduate, 36 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.21 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.0 / 5)
      • Script to Screen: Commercials – Spring 2023 (undergraduate, 40 students, 1 section, co-taught with Matthew McConaughey and Scott Rice) (Instructor Rating: 4.67 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.53 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Spring 2023 (undergraduate, 238 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.96 / 5 | Course Rating: 3.82 / 5)
      • Art and Science of Social Media (Option III Masters Class) – Fall 2022 (graduate, 14 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.86 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.71 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Fall 2022 (undergraduate, 96 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.03 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Fall 2022 (undergraduate, 96 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.56 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.26 / 5)
      • Advertising and Public Relations Research – Summer 2022 (undergraduate, 43 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.1 / 5)
      • Advertising Research II (PhD Methods)– Spring 2022 (graduate, 7 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 5 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.8 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Spring 2022 (undergraduate, 106 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.9 / 5 | Course Rating: 3.5 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Fall 2021 (undergraduate, 128 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.6 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.4 / 5)
      • Advertising Media Planning Foundations – Fall 2021 (undergraduate, 76 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.2 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.0 / 5)
      • Advertising and Public Relations Research – Summer 2021 (undergraduate, 23 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.6 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • Advertising Research II (PhD Methods) – Spring 2021 (graduate, 6 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.8 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.4 / 5)
      • Media Management – Fall 2020 (graduate, 28 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating : 4.6 / 5 | Course Rating : 4.5 / 5)
      • Advertising and Public Relations Research – Summer 2020 (undergraduate, 39 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.4 / 5 | Course Rating: 3.1 / 5)
      • Advertising Research II (PhD Methods)– Spring 2020 (graduate, 7 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.9 / 5 | Course Rating: 4.7 / 5)
      • Media Management – Fall 2019 (graduate, 38 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating : 4.3 / 5 | Course Rating : 3.9 / 5)

    • Texas Christian University | Fall 2010 – Spring 2019 | 47 courses taught
      • New Media – Spring 2019 (undergrad, 21 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.2 / 5)
      • Channel Planning – Fall 2018 (undergrad, 36 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • New Media – Fall 2017 (undergrad, 17 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • Channel Planning – Fall 2017 (undergrad, 52 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • New Media in London – June 2017 (undergrad, 15 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.2/ 5)
      • National Student Advertising Competition AAF Campaigns – Spring 2017 (undergrad, 21 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.4 / 5)
      • New Media – Spring 2017 (undergrad, 19 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.4 / 5)
      • Channel Planning – Fall 2016 (undergrad, 45 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Fall 2016 (graduate, 16 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • New Media in Central America – May 2016 (undergrad, 3 students, 1 section)(Ratings not available)
      • National Student Advertising Competition AAF Campaigns – Spring 2016 (undergrad, 17 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • New Media – Fall 2015 (undergrad, 16 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.2 / 5)
      • Channel Planning – Fall 2015 (undergrad, 45 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 4.1 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Spring 2015 (undergrad, 16 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • Special Topics: History of Digital Media – Spring 2015 (undergrad, 13 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Fall 2014 (undergrad, 20 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.2 / 5)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Fall 2014 (undergrad, 40 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 4.7 / 5)
      • Research & Evaluation – July 2014 (undergrad, 7 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.6 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Spring 2014 (graduate, 15 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.7 / 5)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Spring 2014 (undergrad, 22 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.0 / 5)
      • Research & Evaluation – Fall 2013 (undergrad, 36 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.3 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Fall 2013 (undergrad, 25 students, 2 sections) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.6 / 5)
      • Research & Evaluation – June 2013 (undergrad, 7 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.8 / 5)
      • Online Content and Advertising – May 2013 (undergrad, 11 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.6 / 5)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Spring 2013 (undergrad, 25 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.2 / 5)
      • Research & Evaluation – Spring 2013 (undergrad, 37 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 3.9 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Spring 2013 (undergrad, 14 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.7 / 5)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Fall 2012 (undergrad, 25 students, 1 section) ) (Instructor Rating: 4.5 / 5)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Fall 2012 (undergrad, 26 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 4.4 / 5)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Summer 2012 (undergrad, 5 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.9 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.9 / 4)(Please note change of measurement scale to 4 / 4 for remaining evaluations on this list)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Spring 2012 (undergrad, 43 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 3.5 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.5 / 4)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Spring 2012 (undergrad and graduate, 20 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.6 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.5 / 4)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Fall 2011 (undergrad, 50 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 3.5 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.6 / 4)
      • Strategic Communication in New Media – Fall 2011 (undergrad and graduate, 23 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.5 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.4 / 4)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Summer 2011 (undergrad, 20 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.4 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.5 / 4)
      • Strategic Communication Campaigns – Spring 2011 (undergrad, 25 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.1 / 4 | Course Rating: 2.8 / 4)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Spring 2011 (undergrad, 50 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 3.3 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.2 / 4)
      • Channel Planning and Strategy – Fall 2010 (undergrad, 50 students, 2 sections) (Instructor Rating: 3.3 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.3 / 4)
      • Advertising and the Consumer – Fall 2010 (cross-listed for graduate and undergrad students, 9 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.8 / 4 | Course Rating: 3.7 / 4)

    • Adjunct Teaching Positions | Spring 2010 | 3 courses taught
      • Integrated Marketing Communications, Adjunct Instructor – Spring 2010, St. Edward’s University (graduate, 12 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)
      • Principles of Marketing, Adjunct Instructor – Spring 2010, Texas State University (undergraduate, 56 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)
      • Information and Analysis, Adjunct Instructor – Spring 2010, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 30 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 2.9 / 5 | Course Rating: 2.8 / 5)

    • Graduate Teaching Assistantships | Spring 2005 – Spring 2008 | 2 taught | 4 assisted
      • Advertising on the Internet, Assistant Instructor – Spring 2008, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 148 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 4.0 / 5 | Course Rating: 3.9 / 5)
      • Advertising on the Internet, Assistant Instructor – Spring 2007, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 45 students, 1 section) (Instructor Rating: 3.8 / 5 | Course Rating: 3.6 / 5)
      • Advertising Research, Teaching Assistant – Spring 2005 – Fall 2006, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 30 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)
      • Media Management, Teaching Assistant – Fall 2006, University of Texas at Austin (graduate, 50 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)
      • Media Planning, Teaching Assistant – Summer 2005, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 30 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)
      • Media Research, Teaching Assistant – Spring 2005, University of Texas at Austin (undergraduate, 30 students, 1 section) (Ratings not available)


    • Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg study abroad site visit for potential partnership with Script to Screen Commercials class, Ludwisgburg, Germany, July 2023
    • “Strategic Communication in London” – New Media course, June 2017 (18 students, 2 faculty advisors)
    • “Engaging Vital Sites” Art and Strategic Communication in Central America (Panama and Nicaragua) – Maymester 2016 (8 students, 2 faculty advisors)
    • “Wetlands International and Strategic Communication” Professional Development Trip (Panama) – May 2015 (5 students, 2 faculty advisors)


    • Brightly Coded, LLC / Fall 2015 – Present
      Internet consultancy specializing in website development and maintenance as well as optimization efforts – I currently consult on an as needed basis.

      • Digital Media Consultant
        • Client relationship management including contract acquisitions and negotiations, project tracking, and overall communications management
        • Content management using WordPress platforms
        • Experience with clients in a variety of industries including real estate, music, accounting, health care, non-profits, entertainment and environmental engineering
        • Development of content marketing campaigns for clients
    • Seedling Online / August 1996 – Fall 2010
      Internet consultancy specializing in website development and maintenance as well as optimization efforts including search engine marketing and interactive advertising. I currently consult with Seedling Online on an as needed basis.

      • Digital Media Consultant / Partner
        • Client relationship management for a roster of 15 clients, including contract acquisitions and negotiations, project tracking, and overall communications management
        • Content management for all websites using online content management systems as well as WordPress platform
        • Management of mailing list systems for 10+ clients resulting in increased event attendance and website visitations
        • Deployment of interactive marketing campaigns, including Google AdWords, search engine optimizations, Amazon affiliate programs, and email marketing
        • Experience with clients in a variety of industries including real estate, music, accounting, health care, non-profits, entertainment and environmental engineering
        • Responsible for acquisition of $150,000+ in client sales
        • Conducted usability testing to facilitate website improvements and redesigns
    • Media Research Labs, LLC / November 2008 – July 2009
      Privately held market research facility that conducts consumer research on media effects. Data collection methods include biometrics, eye gaze, and surveys.

      • Research Fellow
        • Creation and management of online consumer panel including recruitment of 2,000+ panel members via direct marketing efforts
        • Development and execution of survey instruments for all studies
        • Data integration via Excel and SPSS for all survey data
        • Contribution to research design and experimental protocols
        • Management of research assistant staff to ensure data integrity
        • Writing and editing of market research reports
        • Website maintenance
        • Secondary research analysis for report contributions
        • Completion of work in a fast paced, team focused environment
    • The University of Texas at Austin / January 2007 – May 2008
      Instructor of record for undergraduate Advertising course entitled “Advertising on the Internet”.

      • Instructor of Record
        • Responsible for creating and delivering 3 50-minute lectures to 100+ undergraduate students on a weekly basis (using PowerPoint and Keynote)
        • Development and execution of class assignments, projects, and exams
        • Created readings packet including topics related to interactive advertising, search engine optimization, web 2.0, social media, permission marketing, interface design and usability
        • Solely responsible for administering exams, grading course materials, and managing communications with students
        • Obtained access to 10+ guest speakers to deliver special topics lectures as well as facilitate networking opportunities for students
        • Held office hours on a weekly basis to assist students with assignments, resolve issues and clarify key points to be derived from the readings
        • Consistently received positive feedback on student evaluations
    • Texas Media Research Lab / January 2005 – August 2008
      Research facility funded by a Ford Foundation grant and operated by Department of Advertising at UT. Lab is used to conduct primary research on media effects specifically related to advertising and interactive media.

      • Consumer Panel Manager / Research Assistant
        • Managed 30,000 member consumer panel via Cold Fusion and MS Access configuration, including cleaning data, sampling, and demographic reporting
        • Responsible for all panel member communications including prize notifications and account information management
        • Administrated 20+ studies for the online panel resulting in over 40 publications and conference presentations
        • Conducted primary research in the lab environment including working on a research team to develop and execute experiments related to media effects
        • Teaching assistant duties for Advertising Research courses (grading, advising students, teaching labs, managing communications)
        • Wrote and submitted theory based research articles for academic conferences and journals
    • Texas Interactive Lab / August 2002 – May 2004
      Research facility funded by The University Co-Op and operated by the Department of Advertising at UT. The lab serves as reference center that makes media-related research available to students as well as providing access to latest interactive advertising tools.

      • Lab Manager
        • Responsible for creation of training materials for all media based software applications including MRI, Qualitap, SRDS, Scarborough, Redbooks, and Media Flight Plan
        • Managed communications with college technology team to insure smooth operation of all technical components of the lab
        • Worked with professors and students to effectively analyze secondary market research data
        • Developed assignments for professors related to specific software skills needed to complete course projects
        • Primary point of contact for all lab visitors including providing tutorial sessions and tours
    • SchoolPeople, Inc., / January 1999 – June 2001
      Web-based educational management software company.

      • Marketing Coordinator
        • Communicated product specifications to development team
        • Managed graphic design team for the creation of all marketing collateral, including corporate website, print advertising, and premier product line brochures
        • Managed marketing budget ($75K/year)
        • Coordinated attendance and/or presentations at national conferences for 9 salespeople
        • Trained and provided technical assistance for national accounts


    • Journal of Advertising, January 2020 – Present
    • Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2018 – Present
    • Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising, 2018 – Present
    • International Journal of Advertising, 2018 – Present
    • Journal of Social Media in Society, 2013 – Present


    • Co-editor of special section on “COVID-19 and Advertising” for the Journal of Advertising, Publication date July 2021
    • Treasurer (Elected position), American Academy of Advertising, Spring 2020 – Spring 2022 (two- year term)
    • Secretary (Elected position), American Academy of Advertising, Spring 2019 – Spring 2020 (one-year term)
    • Active Mentor, American Academy of Advertising Mentor Program, 2017 – Present
    • Associate Editor, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 2015 – 2018
    • Membership Committee Member, American Academy of Advertising, 2017 – 2018
    • Membership Committee Chair, American Academy of Advertising, 2015 – 2016
    • Research Committee Member, American Academy of Advertising, 2015 – 2016
    • Community Service Committee Member, American Academy of Advertising, 2014
    • Membership Committee Chair, American Academy of Advertising, 2012 – 2013
    • Membership Committee Member, American Academy of Advertising, 2011 – 2012
    • Competitive Paper Reviewer, American Academy of Advertising, 2010 – Present
    • Competitive Paper Reviewer, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Annual Conference, 2014 – Present
    • Associate Board Member, American Society for Information Science and Technology, University of Texas Chapter, 2007 (one-year term)
    • Texas Media Program Representative, Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin Advertising Graduate Council, Spring 2005 – Fall 2008
    • Logistics Coordinator, Women’s Scholarship Fund Silent Auction & Banner Brunch, Association for Women in Communication, Austin, Texas Chapter, Spring 2009
    • Co-Chairwoman, Women’s Scholarship Fund Silent Auction & Banner Brunch, Association for Women in Communication, Austin, Texas Chapter, Spring 2010
    • Volunteer, Artist’s for Media Diversity, development, promotion, and grant writing, Fall 2009 – Spring 2010


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Member of Moody College of Communication Scholarship Committee, 2019 – Present
      • UT Austin Office of the Vice President of Research, Research and Creativity Grants Review Committee, Fall 2019 (one-year term)

    • Texas Christian University
      • Ad Hoc Committee on TCU Research Productivity, Fall 2016 – Fall 2018 (two-year term)
      • Executive Committee, College of Communication, 2015 – 2018 (three-year term)
      • Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Communication, 2015 – 2018 (three-year term)
      • University Court Committee Representative, Fall 2012 – Fall 2014 (two-year term)
      • Undergraduate Council Representative for College of Communication, Texas Christian University, Fall 2011 – Spring 2014 (three-year term)
      • Member of Search Committee for Director Position of the Schieffer School of Journalism, 2013
      • Member of Ad Hoc Governance Committee, Schieffer School of Journalism, Fall 2013
      • Member of Ad Hoc University Graduate School Vision and Strategy Committee, Spring 2012
      • Member of Search Committee for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Strategic Communication with International Advertising Specialization, Fall 2011 – Spring 2012
      • Member of Schieffer School Technology Committee, Fall 2011
      • Member of Ad Hoc Class Size Committee for Schieffer School of Journalism, Spring 2011
      • Member of Ad Hoc Committee for Advertising Curriculum Development, Division of Strategic Communication, Schieffer School of Journalism, 2010 – 2011


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Acting Associate Director, January 2022 – Present
      • Interim Associate Director, January 2021 – August 2021
      • Member of Hiring Committee for the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, 2020 – Present
      • Member of the Extended Budget Council (EBC) for the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, 2019 – Present
      • Member of the Texas Media and Analytics Working Group for the Stan Richards School of Advertising & Public Relations, 2019 – Present

    • Texas Christian University
      • Certified Public Communicator Program Co-Founder, Co-Director, and Advisory Board Member, January 2012 – August 2019 (
      • Curriculum Committee (Chair), Department of Strategic Communication, 2015 – 2018 (three-year term)
      • School of Strategic Communication Webmaster, April 2014 – August 2017
      • Lead Faculty and Media Planning Advisor, NSAC Competition Team, 2011 – 2017
        (1st place District 10 2012, Best Media Plan District 10 2012, 3rd place District 10 2013, 4th place District 10 2015, Spirit Award 2015, 4th Place District 10 2016, 2nd Place District 10 2017)
      • Search Committee Chair for three tenure-track faculty lines in Strategic Communication, Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
      • College of Communication Research and Creativity Colloquium Committee Chair, Spring 2013
      • Co-Advisor for TCU Ad Association, Fall 2011 – Spring 2014
      • Co-host of Career Development Session for Schieffer School students featuring Kendall Gibbs (Moroch Agency), Chip Hanna (Balcom Agency), and Carlo Capua (Z’s Café), Fall 2011
      • Frog Camp Faculty Facilitator, Summit Camp, Bruceville Eddy, Texas, August 2011
      • Moderator, College of Communication Research Colloquium, Spring 2011
      • Co-host of Career Development Session featuring Karen Phillips (T3, Austin, TX), October 2010


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Doctoral Committee Chair, Pooja Iyer (Spring 2023 – Present)
      • Doctoral Committee Co-Chair, Kristen Sussman (Summer 2020 – Present)
      • Doctoral Committee Chair, Emily Chadraba (Fall 2019 – May 2021)

    • Texas Christian University
      • Masters Report Committee Chair, Callie Cunyus (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) | Project Title: “Fashion and Technology: A Social Media Marketing Plan for a Curated Online Boutique”
      • Masters Report Committee Chair, Laura Rasmussen (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014) | Project Title: “Big 12 Conference 20th Anniversary Communication Strategy and Engagement Plan”
      • Masters Report Committee Chair, Caitlyn Derdeyn (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013) | Project Title: “How to Bark Up the Right Tree: A Strategic Marketing Plan for Wag”
      • Thesis Committee Chair, Nicole Cunningham (Spring 2011 – Spring 2012) | Thesis Title: “Nothing But Net: Measuring the Effectiveness of Athlete Endorsements on Twitter”


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • PhD Committee Member for Social Media Effects, Yiwen Yang (2022 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Research Methods, Sieun Ha (2022 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Consumer Behavior, Stan Li (2022 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Advertising, Asma Sifaoui (2022 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Research Methods, Pooja Iyer (2021 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Social Media, Abby Hendricks (2021 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Advertising, Hyun Joo Lim (2020 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Consumer Psychology, Greg Song (2019 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Consumer Psychology, Pratik Shah (2019 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Research Methods, Bella Yang (2020 – Present)
      • PhD Committee Member for Advertising, Hayoung “Sally” Lim (2019 – 2020)
      • PhD Committee Member for Social Media, Jung Ah “Jay” Lee (2019 – 2020)
      • Thesis Reader, Shuer Zhou (2020 – 2021)
      • Thesis Reader, Jeongmin “Mary Elizabeth” Ham (2019 – 2020)

    • Texas Christian University
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Brooke Petty (Fall 2017) | Project Title: “An Examination of TCU Frog Club Communication Practices”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Shaw Adcock (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017) | Project Title: “Using Instagram to Connect Downtown Arlington to UTA Students”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Avery Eustace (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017) | Project Title: “Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for the Saving Hope Foundation”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Kelly Lee (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017) | Project Title: “TheEnd Marketing Communication Plan”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Nasha Smith (Fall 2016 – Spring 2017) | Project Title: “Social Media Marketing Plan: Tigers Inflow Tennis Academy”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Blake McAdow (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016) | Project Title: “Developing Guidelines for Social Media Policies within University of Texas Athletics”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Weiyi Zhong (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016) | Project Title: “A Strategic Communication Plan for the 1 KG Box”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Caten Hyde (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) | Project Title: “An Analysis of Online Recruiting Campaigns for TCU Baseball and a Proposed Strategic Plan”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Kaiyi Sun (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) | Project Title: “A Strategic Communication Plan for Home Link Co., Beijing China: High Quality Rental Life & ‘Beijing Young, A New Way of Renting’ Campaign”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Jianyao Chang (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) | Project Title: “A Strategic Communication Plan for Alitrip: The Business Pioneer to Advocate for China’s LGBT People”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Miaojian Zheng (Fall 2014 – Spring 2015) | Project Title: “Project Blanc: An Integrated Marketing Communication Project for Maison Margiela’s Brand Extension”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Lauren Land (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014) | Project Title: “A Social Media Campaign Strategy for B by Brandie”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Sara Safi (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013) | Project Title: “Social Media Use in the Healthcare System”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Digna Joseph (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013) | Project Title: “An Integrated Marketing Communications Program for the Adams Group”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Meagen Bechtel (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012) | Project Title: “Social Media in the Legal Sector”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Ashley Iszkun (Fall 2010 – Spring 2011) | Project Title: “The New Way for Two-Way Conversation: A Content Analysis of Celebrity Twitter Use”
      • Masters Report Committee Member, Rachel O’Neal (Fall 2010 – Spring 2011) | Project Title: “At Peace Floatation & Massage Case Study: Investigating the Use of Market Research and Audience Identification in Developing a Social Media Marketing Campaign for a Microbusiness”


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Undergraduate Honors Thesis Second Reader, Sharika Menon (Summer 2021 – Present) | Project Title: “The Impact of STANs (Stalker / Fan) on Online Marketing”

    • Texas Christian University
      • Undergraduate Honor’s Committee Member, Kelsie Ritchie, Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
      • Undergraduate Honor’s Practicum Advisor, Emily Siegers, Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
      • Undergraduate Honor’s Practicum Advisor, Addy Kryger, Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
      • Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis Committee Chair, Shelly Crossland, Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
      • Neeley School Honor’s Thesis Committee Member, Steven Imaizumi, Fall 2013 – Spring 2014
      • Neeley School Honor’s Thesis Committee Member, Trey Alexander, Fall 2012 – Spring 2013
      • Neeley School Honor’s Thesis Committee Member, Moriah Sallis, Fall 2012 – Spring 2013


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Texas Health and Human Services Commission. (2021-2023) “Development of Interactive Resources to Promote Coping and Reduce Substance Use Disorders among Texas Families.” $6,000,000. Principal Investigators: Mackert and Donovan (Acting as a key contributor in the area of media measurement)
      • Song, Greg, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Advertising Privacy for the Privacy Unconcerned”, WMSF Graduate Research Grant, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2022 – 2023, $900.00.

    • Texas Christian University
      • Bob Schieffer College of Communication Dean’s Research Grant, 2017 – 2018
      • TCU Senior Fellows in Entrepreneurship Grant, Coleman Foundation, 2015 – 2016
      • TCU Fellows in Entrepreneurship Grant, Coleman Foundation, 2014 – 2015
      • TCU Senior Fellows in Entrepreneurship Grant, Coleman Foundation, 2013 – 2014
      • TCU Fellows in Entrepreneurship Grant, Coleman Foundation, 2012 – 2013
      • TCU Invests in Scholarship Grant for “Smart Cities, Big Data” Project with Jacqueline Lambiase, Ph.D. and Stacy Landreth-Grau, Ph.D., 2012 – 2013
      • Texas Association of Municipal Officers Grant to Fund Graduate Assistant with Jacqueline Lambiase, Ph.D., 2012
      • Junior Faculty Summer Research Grant, Texas Christian University, 2011 – 2012
      • College of Communication Research Grant, Dean’s Office, Fall 2011


    • Kappa Delta Sorority Professor Dinner Honoree (2023)
    • “Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising (2021)
    • American Academy of Advertising Journals “Most Influential Articles of 2019” award from Journal of Current Issues in Research and Advertising
    • Faculty Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “Second Place” for District 10 (Spring 2017)
    • Faculty Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “Fourth Place” for District 10 and “Best Media Plan” Award winners (Spring 2016)
    • 2014 Cheryl A. Soward Communicator of Distinction Award from the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers for outstanding achievements in the field of government communication
    • Ranked in “Top Marketing Professors on Twitter” by Social Media Marketing Magazine (# 91)
    • Ranked in “Top 100 Web Savvy Professors” by Best Online Universities (# 47)
    • Media Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “Fourth Place” for District 10 and “Spirit Award” winners for professionalism (Spring 2015)
    • Media Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “Third Place” for District 10 (Spring 2013)
    • Media Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “First Place” for District 10 (Spring 2012)
    • Media Advisor for National Student Advertising Competition Team, “Best Media Plan” for District 10 (Spring 2012)
    • Jesse Jones Continuing Education Fellowship, 2007 – 2008 | College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin
    • Ray Hall Continuing Education Fellowship, 2007 – 2008 | Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin
    • David Bruton, Jr. Endowment Fund Fellowship, 2007 | Office of Graduate Studies, University of Texas at Austin


    • University of Texas at Austin
      • “Advertising and Public Relations Introduction and Exploration of Social Media Fatigue and Addiction Research”, COM301E mini-lecture, March 27, 2024
      • “Advertising and Public Relations Introduction and Script to Screen Overview”, COM301E mini-lecture, November 6 and 8, 2023
      • “Script to Screen Commercials with Matthew McConaughey”, Longhorn Family Partners Meeting, February 10, 2023
      • “New Media Research for Doctoral Students” for PhD Methods I Seminar course with Dr. Deena Kemp, November 17, 2021
      • “Social Media Fatigue and Addiction”, COM301E mini-lecture, October 4, 2021
      • “Social Media and Advertising”, Moody Open-Door Discussions, September 24, 2020
      • “New Media Research for Doctoral Students” for PhD Methods I Seminar course with Dr. Deena Kemp, September 24, 2020
      • “New Media Research for Doctoral Students” for PhD Methods I Seminar course with Dr. Deena Kemp, November 11, 2019
      • “Communication Planning in a Digital Age” for the Central Texas School Public Relations Association Quarterly Meeting, Leander ISD, September 13, 2019

    • Texas Christian University
      • “New Media Research for Grad Students” for Graduate Pro-Seminar course in the Department of Strategic Communication, TCU, Fall 2017
      • “Social Media Engagement, Policies, and Measurement for Government Organizations” for the Certified Public Manager Program, Texas State University, November 9, 2017
      • “Tapping into Your Communication Mindset with Digital Storytelling” for the Water Educators of North Texas Group, Mansfield Water Department, August 11, 2017
      • “Social Media Engagement, Policies, and Measurement for Government Organizations” for the Certified Public Manager Program, Texas State University, November 4, 2016
      • “Creativity and Branding in Your Organization” for the North Texas Chapter of the Texas School Public Relations Association, Little Elm ISD, December 2, 2016
      • “Living in a Mediated World: A (Brief) History of Digital Media” for the TCU Retiree’s Association, March 24, 2016
      • “Consumer Acceptance of Technology Models and Media Effects” for the Graduate Theory course in the School of Strategic Communication, TCU, November 11, 2015
      • “Social Media Engagement, Policies, and Measurement for Government Organizations” for the Certified Public Manager Program, Texas State University, November 5, 2015
      • “Communication Planning in an Age of Social Media Fatigue” for the Sookmyung Women’s University visitors from South Korea, July 10, 2015
      • “New Media Research for Grad Students” for Graduate Pro-Seminar course in Schieffer School of Journalism, TCU, Fall 2013
      • “Is It Time to “De-Face”: Social Media Addiction and the Consumption Continuum” for the Honors College Colloquia on Technology, TCU, Fall 2013
      • “Social Media Addiction” for Intermediate Composition: Social Media and Gen Y course in AddRan College of Liberal Arts, TCU, Spring 2013
      • “Building Your Brand Online” for Seminar in Art Professions course in School of Art, TCU, Spring 2013
      • “Teaching with an iPad” for Schieffer School Faculty and Staff, TCU, Spring 2013
      • “Lunch and Enlightenment: Overview of Research”, Research Colloquium Brown Bag Lunch, Schieffer School of Journalism, TCU, Fall 2012
      • “Zero Moment of Truth” for Digital Metrics course in the Department of Advertising, University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2012
      • “New Media Research for Grad Students” for Graduate Pro-Seminar course in Schieffer School of Journalism, TCU, Fall 2012
      • “Research in Interactive Environments” for Graduate Pro-Seminar course in Schieffer School of Journalism, TCU, Fall 2010
      • “Persuasion Techniques for Information Scientists” for Introduction to Information Studies course, iSchool, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2010
      • “Digital Metrics and Engagement” for Advertising and New Media course, Department of Advertising, University of Oregon, Fall 2009


    • Aspiring Leaders Academy, Inaugural Cohort, UT Austin, 2023 – 2024
    • Provost’s Faculty Fellows Mentoring Program, January – December 2023
    • Advertising Education Foundation (AEF) Visiting Professors Program, June 2021
    • Summer Statistics Institute, UT Austin, May 2021
    • Google Garage Digital Certification, August 2020
    • TCU Manager Leader Program Cohort I, Fall 2018 – Spring 2019


    • American Academy of Advertising
    • American Advertising Federation
    • American Marketing Association
    • Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
    • Association for Women in Communication (Austin Chapter)