This past week I transitioned back to my home office in Fort Worth and tried to stay focused on a few digital wellness tactics that I started while I was gone. I have been experimenting with these ideas for about two weeks now … with varying levels of success:
- 1) Keeping my phone charging in another room overnight (in my case, in the kitchen instead of the bedroom)
- 2) Not checking my email until 8 AM (or later!)
- 3) Moderating my social media use by deleting the Facebook and Messenger apps from my phone
- 4) Waking up to a cold nose instead of an alarm clock (highly recommended … and Oscar does this at 6 AM every weekday)
- 5) Not checking anything on my phone before I get out of bed (# 1 has crushed this habit)
- 6) Setting goals for the day before I open my email
- 7) Turned off all obnoxious notifications on my phone
I was not surprised by how much keeping my phone away from my bedside table helped with things – especially getting out of bed in the morning, NOT checking my email immediately, and staying off of social media and news feeds first thing. In fact, my new rule is no technology before my feet hit the floor in the morning. The more challenging tactics have been to not check my email before 8 AM and to set my goals for the day before checking my inbox. I suppose the old habit of letting my inbox dictate my priorities will be a hard one to wrestle but worth it in the end. As for my social media use, it has been nice to moderate my usage and not have the FB apps on my phone – my outlook on life always improves when I step away from social media for a bit. In that regard, I am replacing the fear of missing out (FOMO) with the JOY of missing out (JOMO). Maybe in the future when we speak in text language “sabbaticals” will just be called “JOMOs”?
Speaking of the future, it arrived in Fort Worth while I was gone … Curbside groceries at Central Market and parking availability signs at the new shopping center:

Can’t decide if I am going to let someone else pick out my produce for me? Probably not.

Parking meters at the new Clearfork shopping area in Fort Worth.
And, finally, a few fun things that I picked up along the way:
The Olympics start this week – Lindsey Vonn reminds us to be fierce
Fun slogan from an Olympics ad – ABFTTB – Always be faster than the boys!
An insightful article about the new album from The War on Drugs – if you haven’t indulged in this one, you really should!
A few good ideas here for an upcoming presentation on website engagement
See you next week – LB