New Pubs and Conferences

A few fun new publications from work completed with our fabulous grad students over the last year or so …

Anderson, Joshua, Lindsay Bouchacourt, Kristen L. Sussman, Laura F. Bright, and Gary Wilcox (In press – 2022), “Emerging Themes in Telemedicine Amidst a Pandemic: Social Media Textual Analysis,” Digital Health, DOI: 20552076221090041.

Bright, Laura F., Kelty Logan, and Hayoung Sally Lim (In press – 2022), “Social Media Fatigue and Privacy: An Exploration of Antecedents to Consumers’ Concerns Regarding the Security of their Personal Information on Social Media Platforms,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, DOI: 15252019.2022.2051097.

And, some new work showing up at AEJMC and NCA this Fall …

Hendricks, Abby, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Influencer Trends Shift: The predictors of influencer engagement on Instagram,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, August 4 – 7.

Acaf, Yara, Lucy Atkinson, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Celebrity Advocacy of Environmental Causes: The Impact of Credibility and Existing Beliefs on People’s Attitudes and Behaviors,” National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17 – 20.

More coming soon in Fall 2022.