New Publication in Journal of Business Research

I am quite thrilled to finally see this one in print – my doctoral student, Pooja Iyer, and I have been working on this piece of research since Summer 2022 and it is now officially published in the Journal of Business Research.

Title: Navigating a paradigm shift: Technology and user acceptance of big data and artificial intelligence among advertising and marketing practitioners

Abstract: The advertising and marketing industry is witnessing a paradigm shift with the inclusion of big data and artificial intelligence, expecting practitioners to adapt to this rapidly transforming environment. Utilizing the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model, a mixed methods approach examines how performance and effort expectancy mediate the psychological factors of anxiety and self-efficacy on behavioral intention to accept and engage with big data and AI systems amongst practitioners. To examine the psychological factors of UTAUT in relation to behavior, this research surveyed 100 mid-level advertising and marketing practitioners and found performance expectancy fully mediated anxiety, and effort expectancy partially mediated self-efficacy on behavioral intention. Qualitative insights identified psychological, social, and organizational factors, including fear of losing jobs, collaboration, motivation, training, social influence, and facilitating factors are critical to technology acceptance. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed as they relate to this ongoing paradigm shift.

The full article is available here.

We will continue working on this topic in the months ahead with a pedagogy focused piece coming soon!