New Pubs and Conferences

A few fun new publications from work completed with our fabulous grad students over the last year or so …

Anderson, Joshua, Lindsay Bouchacourt, Kristen L. Sussman, Laura F. Bright, and Gary Wilcox (In press – 2022), “Emerging Themes in Telemedicine Amidst a Pandemic: Social Media Textual Analysis,” Digital Health, DOI: 20552076221090041.

Bright, Laura F., Kelty Logan, and Hayoung Sally Lim (In press – 2022), “Social Media Fatigue and Privacy: An Exploration of Antecedents to Consumers’ Concerns Regarding the Security of their Personal Information on Social Media Platforms,” Journal of Interactive Advertising, DOI: 15252019.2022.2051097.

And, some new work showing up at AEJMC and NCA this Fall …

Hendricks, Abby, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Influencer Trends Shift: The predictors of influencer engagement on Instagram,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, August 4 – 7.

Acaf, Yara, Lucy Atkinson, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “Celebrity Advocacy of Environmental Causes: The Impact of Credibility and Existing Beliefs on People’s Attitudes and Behaviors,” National Communication Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17 – 20.

More coming soon in Fall 2022.

AAA 2022 Preview

I am excited to be traveling to St. Petersburg, Florida this week for the 2022 American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference which will be our first in-person meeting since 2019! I will be presenting some new research work as well as participating in panels on graduate education and academic reviewing, respectively.

Here are the specific programming details:

Wilson, Rick T., Laura F. Bright, and Adam S. Richards (2022), “Privacy and Biometric Data: An Exploration of Advertising Appeals and Consumer Willingness to Share Personal Information Online,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.

Hayes, Jameson, Cynthia Morton, Chen Lou, Kasey Windels, and Laura F. Bright (2022), “How to be an Effective Reviewer: A Word from the Best Reviewer Award Winners,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.

Ryan, Tanya, Laura F. Bright, Patricia Huddleston, Ofrit Kol, and Dorit Zimand Sheiner (2022), “The Future of Graduate Education in Advertising: A Discussion with Educators and Industry Experts,” American Academy of Advertising Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 24 – 27.

Will look forward to seeing my academic colleagues there :).

New Year, New Role

As we turn the page on another year, I will be starting an administrative role in the School of Advertising and Public Relations in the Moody College of Communication at UT Austin.

Beginning next week, I will be the newly appointed Associate Director of our school serving with Dr. Natalie Tindall as our Director. I am excited to take on this challenge and look forward to helping students and faculty with their work in our college despite the many challenges that the pandemic continues to present.

And, here’s to hoping we can cruise through this semester like this …

Fun with Facebook Ad Data

I have a new publication out with two of my favorite co-authors – Dr. Gary Wilcox and Kristen Sussman – in the Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness. We used a fun dataset containing over 20,000 Facebook ads from a variety of industry verticals to better understand what drives advertising recall in social media environments over time.

Title: More Is (Not Always) Better: A Multi-Year Analysis of Advertising Effects on Ad Recall

Authors: Kristen L. Sussman, Laura F. Bright, and Gary B. Wilcox

Abstract: Using data from 46 businesses and over 21,000 ads, this study provides an analysis of the relationship between advertising spend, engagement and ad recall on Facebook. An initial analysis reveals that advertising spend, and post comments are positively associated with ad recall, while frequency is negatively associated. A second analysis, segmented the data by the advertiser objective of brand awareness, video views or post engagement and reveals additional insight into the relationships between the variables. It is concluded that Facebook offers an effective channel to drive recall, but that advertisers should be careful to avoid ad fatigue. In total, the results provide evidence that Facebook advertising can easily become intrusive, and that brand awareness driven advertising exhibit the most promising relationship with ad recall.

Keywords: engagement, brand communication, social media, recall, ad technology, Facebook advertising, ad fatigue, advertising effects

Full article available here.

New book chapter published in October 2021

I am excited to share that my book chapter co-authored with Dr. Karen Anne Wallach is now available in “An Audience of One: Drive Superior Results by Making the Radical Shift from Mass Marketing to One-to-One Marketing” by Jamie Turner and Chuck Moxley, Sr. The chapter is entitled “How to Turn Consumer Privacy into a Strategic Benefit for Your Brand” and it covers key privacy issues that brands need to consider in their interactions with consumers.

You can find more about the book and authors here.